About Me

My photo
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Mid 20s Stay at Home Mummy to Master A and Wife to DH, Michael. This blog will document my life as i try to become more sustainable, a fun mum and maybe even a domestic goddess- is there even such a thing?

Saturday, 14 April 2012

My new blog direction & simplify your life challange wk1

so this is my 14th, maybe (iv lost count) attempt at blogging lol. Me and blogging has never lasted more than a month but i have had this niggling, nagging thought in the back of my mind these past few weeks that I should start to blog again so I turned to trusty Google about blogging and I read,

"There are a lot of bloggers on the web already. If you want to attract readers, you are going to need to establish your credibility. Don't just blog about anything. Pick a topic you are are passionate about. Something that you have lots of experience with."


Honestly, I dont have much experiance about sustainablility or being a mother, I feel like most days i just wing it. But this is something I am passionate about, so I am halfway there.

My mum always used to tell me, "if you are not quaking in your boots, its not important enough."

And I believe this, I hovered and nearly clicked on FB create a page five or six times... my heart in my throat and feeling like a needed to put my head between my legs very nearly overtaking me.  Why was i so nervous this time around? I had tried blogging before and never felt like this? And then I realised!

Because it is important to me.

I can't promise I will be a amazing, funny or witty blog. I'm only starting out and its all a bit double dutch to me. But passion for what you are writing in must account for something and i hope you will catch a little of my passion for yourself. Not necessarily about sustainability or the other things that may creep in, but I hope you find a passion in your own life, because really, what is life without something to be passionate about?

I will also be following Deb from home life simplified, although i do have a little catching up to do due to no internet while we moved.

Her first post asks you to think about what went right for you in 2011...http://www.homelifesimplified.com.au/52-weeks-to-simplify-your-life-syl-week-1/

So what went right for me in 2011?

  • I got married in January was a amazing day, everything i had dreamed :)
  • I had my beautiful, healthy, amazing son Ashton :)
  • I was very lucky and became a stay at home mummy thanks to hubby being able to support us :)
  • Moving in with family made me realise how much i love my independance and own space, we moved back into our little house in Feb and it is amazing the amount of clutter we let go of and how different our house feels 


  1. Wow what a big year! I am so glad that your wedding was everything that you had dreamed! It sounds as though you had quite a magical year!

  2. you had a big year, I am sure you will remember 2011 with smiles !

  3. Big year fro sure - i hope you enjoy your time at home (especially when you get back into your own place). i laughed at your about me part as you are trying to be a domestic goddess and a fun mum (i have not managed either, although better at the fun maybe - good luck!)

    deb @ home life simplified
