About Me

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Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Mid 20s Stay at Home Mummy to Master A and Wife to DH, Michael. This blog will document my life as i try to become more sustainable, a fun mum and maybe even a domestic goddess- is there even such a thing?

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Natural Spider Repellent

Ever since having my son, I've become a whole lot more wary of using sprays and items that have ingredients I can't even pronounce. I'm slowly but surely replacing and finding alternatives for the chemicals I use.

I hate spiders! I'm ok if its a non-venomous spider and when they're on the other side of a big room, they can sit there and eat all the bugs they like. Any my cats love to watch them walk and try to catch it, if they have ever caught a spider I haven't found remains yet *shudder* I hope I never do. But if the spider is in the hallway or right over my head, or it is poisonous. I feel bad but you really have to go!

We have the old style sash windows, with lots of lovely places for spiders to hide. When we moved back after renting out our house for six months the cobwebs and red-backs made me have to put my head between my knees and breath into a paper bag. I grabbed the hardcore bug spray and sprayed the windows then grabbed the vacuum cleaner and sucked the webs and spiders up. After panicking that a spider had managed to escape the spray and gotten inside the house! And my neighbour and I ripping the lounge and blankets apart to make sure it was safe, well ok. I ripped everything apart while my neighbour pee'd herself laughing.

So now the windows are spider clear I want to find a natural way to keep the spiders away.

Did you know spiders taste through there feet? Lucky they have eight!

All you need is a citrus essential oil mixed with water in a spray bottle. That's it! But make sure it's essential oil as it seems to be more potent.

Spray this across the doorsteps and windows, really anywhere you don't want the spiders to make a home, but make sure it dries before letting pets and children near it.

So hopefully with this natural repellent my lovely neighbour can have some peace and quiet from now on. :D

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