About Me

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Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Mid 20s Stay at Home Mummy to Master A and Wife to DH, Michael. This blog will document my life as i try to become more sustainable, a fun mum and maybe even a domestic goddess- is there even such a thing?

Friday, 15 June 2012

My week & SYL wk 24 Clutter Prevention

This week I've been under the weather, taking care of Master A who had his one year needles then developed croup. State of Origin night we slept in the lounge room because he screamed in his room I finally got over my fear of "should I move him? It might wake him up, maybe I should just leave him...what if he rolls into his toys and wakes himself up anyway? Or one of the animals treads on him?" And moved him to his cot at midnight, he didn't even stir lucky me!

I dusted off and updated me resume, and sent it to a company looking for a weekend receptionist. Fingers Crossed!

 Friday saw me curled up on the couch feeling blah and sorry for myself, when some people I knew stopped in for a cuppa. Actually getting up and doing something made me feel a little better. And the weather is nice for a change! 11 weeks till Spring...not that I'm counting :D

Week 24 Clutter Prevention

I love this week! I had the biggest clutter problem a few years ago, but I couldn't see it, everyone else could but I couldn't see any problem with it after all I needed all this stuff! it's not clutter if you need it.

The things that helped me, was moving and having to pack everything up but I know that's not possible for everyone.
When we moved back, I looked at each room and labelled them, master bedroom, spare and computer room, Master A's room, kitchen, lounge room and dinning room. And listed what goes in there, while unpacking I made sure to put likes with other likes then purged the excess. If I couldn't decide where a item should go, I packed it up into a storage container to be opened later. I kept all our nick-nacks packed away. Just because they were packed away didn't mean I loved them any less.

I made sure when items were put away that they each had there space, if they couldn't fit, I purged and packed away or donated again.

I still do this even six month later I go through each room and really look at what is in there, if there are things that don't suit, fit, belong or I haven't used it in six months or really looked at it and enjoyed it and I can't figure out where to put it. Into a storage container it goes.

If I found I was still piling I cleaned the surface off and put something pretty or functional in the middle of the hotspot, having something there made me not want to start to make a mess.

It's really been a big help having my five year goals written down, even hubby is excited about them and we've started brainstorming how to get them achieved. Its really exciting when your family is on board with your goals :)


  1. Well done - I do think clutter prevention is hard. But it sounds like you are tackling it well. I hate that I make a nice clear space and everyone including me dumps things there! Trying to improve that in our house. Having the whole family involved in your 5 year goals is wonderful!

    1. thanks annaleis :) once i stopped beating myself up about the clutter and only focused on one part of the house a week and re-started every month things slowly started falling in to place

  2. Well done, sounds like you had a very busy week. I like the way you prevent clutter and it sounds like it works for you. :)

    1. Thanks Rita, I can't believe it took me so long to find what worked for me :/ but im so glad iv found it now

  3. I love the idea of putting something pretty in a space where clutter collects. We are moving house in a week or two and I will be using some of your great tips! Good luck with the job application!

    1. Thanks Casojaha, its definitely helped making sure I knew what each space in my home was going to be used for made it so much easier to make space for things that I love
