About Me

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Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Mid 20s Stay at Home Mummy to Master A and Wife to DH, Michael. This blog will document my life as i try to become more sustainable, a fun mum and maybe even a domestic goddess- is there even such a thing?

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

RIP Iphone

This morning I felt like my world was ending, I had just ducked into Master As room to get a shirt and jumper while daddy was on the couch watching him, silly me thinking everything would be ok just because dad was there, rookie mistake!  -.- I walk back in to find Master A using my iPhone as a biscuit to dunk into my tea, even though I was mortified I couldn't help but think how darn cute he was being so gentle giving my phone a bath.
I rescued my phone, turned it off and put it in the sun. Little did I know that would be the last time I would get to use my phone. I raced to the local Apple and Vodafone store, picked up a $20 cheapie phone that only makes calls and texts. That's it. No Facebook.No Internet. No games. No camera. None of the little aps i waste my day on.
I. Could. Cry!
Its been six hours since the Phone Dunking Incident or PDI for short, and in those hours I've come to realise how much the iPhone takes up of my day, its just a little bit here and there so you don't really notice it, but it all adds up and how I'm actually using my time, total fail really!
I'm playing with Ashton more, really getting down on his level. We put the dishwasher together and ran its first cycle- yipee! ( I think that is husband guilt right there though- but I'm going to milk this for all I can) I realised my routines weren't working for me, well they would work a whole lot better if they were right there when I woke up instead of in a room I don't go into till after another hour of being a zombie on the couch- darn body clock! can't sleep till midnight then takes hours to wake up gahhhh so annoying! So I'm writing them up in my new planner to keep on my night stand so I see it when I first wake up in Zombie Mode. Oooh I love it, I'd take a photo to show you, but ya' know... phone's dead... darn
Of course too late, I figure out Outlook can sync your notes from your Iphone to your computer I'll try that as soon as I get my new phone.
Who knows, maybe I might become more productive without being connected 24/7. I read a interesting article last night about someone who turned off for a month it was really interesting, I'd post the link that I had saved but...yeah...phone's dead and I can't remember it

Oh God! I miss my iPhone!

1 comment:

  1. I totally get this dilemma from almost losing my phone before. It makes you think about how addicted we are, doesn't it. I am also noticing it because my little ones are getting quite addicted to the iGadgets too and they are only 15 months and 3! Nothing like seeing your kids addicted to wake you up to your own usage! Oh, and next time, apparently sitting the phone in dry rice can help, though it does depend on how much water gets in.
