About Me

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Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Mid 20s Stay at Home Mummy to Master A and Wife to DH, Michael. This blog will document my life as i try to become more sustainable, a fun mum and maybe even a domestic goddess- is there even such a thing?

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Organising Photos

I'm lazy- i'll admit it, if there is a easier way to do something i'll take it! This week i'm in the office, laundry and bathroom. And I wanted to share how I organise my photos, honestly i thought i had a lot of photos before Master A lol what a shock!

Trying to organise my photos was mind-numbing, going through each and every one was taking forever and I would stop and reminisce every third or fourth photo.

1. In views I turned the photos to "details" it turned them into a stock photo and brought up when they were taken.

2. I then sorted them into years, then each year I sorted into month. All the big experiences I put into their own folder, titled: Cruise 09, Wedding etc. For my son I made a folder titled Ashton, then in Ashton, I have folders for each month titled 0 June 11, 1 July 11, etc etc so from birth they would be in order. Same for the pets, I have 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. Then in each year the months, 1 Jan, 2 Feb, 3 March etc. I have one titled Internet for all my screen grabs and downloaded photos, put into Funny, Inspirational, Weekday, Weekend, Parenting, Crafts

3. Now this one takes a little longer but its now broken into a manageable size, I go through each month and decide on the best photos to keep and any I want printed are copied and go into a special "To Print" album.

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